Foobar 2000 Customizations

Here is a screenshot of my Foobar 2000 theme:
You can download it from here: [jamps3_theme_fb2k_v1.0.fth]

Some plugins to have:
BPM Analyser
Shpeck - Winamp Milkdrop Visualizations!
Waveform Seekbar

Sound output bypassing Windows Mixer(for quality):
for older Windows before Vista which don't support WASAPI:
Kernel Streaming support
Notice that using WASAPI/KS mutes all other sounds. Might not be preferred if you are gaming or something...
I found out that WASAPI with push-mode works best with my Musiland USB, the event-mode gave me clipping sounds.

Lame, for encoding/converting to MP3:
Lame Download

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